Cloud Analytics

Invoir Cloud Analytics services enable you to make data-driven decisions at the rapid pace of modern business. Ask any question of the data. Model any scenario. Drive maximum value and do it faster by transforming your analytics.

Whether you’re seeking to create compelling customer experiences, improving productivity or managing risks, our cloud analytics services will integrate all of your data in a modern cloud data warehouse, deploy powerful applications and models to analyze and gain insight and build compelling AI & ML solutions that improve your business.

Why Cloud Analytics?

Exponential growth in data is not handled effectively by current data warehouses

Deep learning and machine learning models require modern, elastic infrastructures for high performance

The agility and experimentation possible in a cloud infrastructure is needed for achieving ROI on analytical investments

Desire from data and analytics professionals to leverage open source technologies at scale without extensive reliance on the IT organization

Why Invoir?

Predictive Analytics

Our Predictive analytics solutions analyse current and historical facts to make accurate predictions about future events. Our forecast models predict the unknown events and enable you to make better decisions. The goal is to see beyond what is present and get prepared for it, we help you achieve it. Our predictive analyses allow organizations to become proactive and forward looking ensuring our clients to be well ahead of competition and situation. With our predictive data analytics solutions, you are well equipped to cater to dynamically changing business environments.