5G Conformance Testing

With more and more 5G Networks getting deployed, now more than ever is the time to take advantage of our 5G services.

5G Testing
The fifth generation of network offers ultra-reliable connectivity, and low latency services, apart from voice and data. Low latency requires light-weight cloud-native Telco functions for faster deployments over Edge computing closer to users.
Invoir is uniquely placed to offer the end-to-end verification you need with cloud based 5G test solution for protocol, performance, throughput, and latency testing.
5G Conformance Testing Services
The fifth generation of network offers ultra-reliable connectivity, and low latency services, apart from voice and data. Low latency requires light-weight cloud-native Telco functions for faster deployments over Edge computing closer to users.
Over the last five years, Telco vendors invested in product development and testing over virtual machines running on Telco’s private cloud infra, but since last year Telco’s changed their strategy to move to public cloud in particular AWS for O-RAN. Reasons,
(a) Telco’s inability to build thousands of Edge Data Centers across large geographies.
(b) The unavailability of cloud-native ecosystem for an ultra-reliable fluid architecture.
(c) Error free public cloud infra leaving no room for any excuses on deployment delays.
This has put a lot of pressure on vendors to develop infra-agnostic, cloud-native functions (CNF) for public clouds.
To comply with the new cloud-native production deployment, they need to replicate an equivalent cloud-native environment in their lab for continuous development <> testing <> feedback.
We have built world’s first 5G Cloud-native test lab on AWS:
(a) AWS stable EKS cloud infra for lab, which is always up and running
(b) CI/CD pipeline for continuous feed incorporation <> Development <> Patch Deployment <> Re-testing
(c) Automated configuration using Orchestrator and RIC
(d) Automated test suites to run continuous testing
-We can integrate our lab in the CI/CD pipeline as testing partner, and ready CNFs for any cloud deployment including AWS
-We test cloud-native readiness in cloud-native environment over AWS with physical RU and rest being CNF
-Testing performed on dedicated VPC running over AWS and accessible from anywhere for developers, testers, and managers